However, the skies they leave behind, once the winds die down and the clouds clear, make for the most glorious sunsets.

Sadly, as I do not run with proper photographic equipment, I had to make due with my phone... which fails to truly capture the incredible fiery rainbow that was the sun's last hurrah before sinking below the horizon.

My usual haunt for long runs, the Tsurumigawa, was unusually cluttered with photographers, intent on capturing a gold-backed Fujisan.
Sadly, as I do not run with proper photographic equipment, I had to make due with my phone... which fails to truly capture the incredible fiery rainbow that was the sun's last hurrah before sinking below the horizon.

I just happened to be there during the typhoon. Wasn't as bad as I though it would be, actually went out on the day of the typhoon. It was really quiet and great for shopping!